When Worrying about Your Loved Ones Keeps You Up at Night
I’m sure you know the feeling…
When those nagging thoughts spring into action just when you are trying to fall asleep. Or, you wake up in the middle of the night and start to think about all the “what-ifs.”
What keeps you up at night?
What keeps your mind mentally pacing the floor?
I remember when our youngest son was only 4 years old and was diagnosed with partial seizure disorder. Although his seizures were mild, I worried that he would have them in the night and I wouldn’t be there to comfort him.
At the time of his diagnosis, he had a really tall bunk bed with a slide that reached the floor. He loved that bed! But the neurologist insisted we get him a new bed that was low to the floor — “just in case.”
For many years, I would jump awake at night, worried that my son needed me. Every sound caused me to jolt wake and rush to peek on him. In fact, I still check on him occasionally, even though he has been seizure free for years and is almost 16!
The things that keep us awake at night are real issues that need proper attention. But as Christians, how do we prevent legitimate worries from consuming us?
Here are 4 ways we can rest easier despite worry…
Carve out a place and time

Each day, schedule a time and a place to pray specifically for your loved ones. It can be first thing in the morning, the last thing at night, or sometime in between.
When you deal with your worries before bed, praying intentionally and asking God for help, you’ll find it easier to let it go until morning.
Consider designating a place in your home where you can go to freely pray. Think of it as your personal “war room.” Find a private area to take your Bible, paper, and pen, and pour out your concerns to God. Then, as the Lord answers, (and He will), jot down the Scriptures and words of comfort God gives you. Stick those words on the wall of your prayer corner. This will serve as comforting reminders down the road.
Keep a bedtime notebook

A simple notebook on your nightstand can be a huge help in preparing your mind to sleep. When you take 2-3 minutes to write down the worries of the day, you are allowing your mind to release those concerns until tomorrow. You don’t have to worry about forgetting something important because you’ve written it down!
Give up control

When it comes to the wellbeing of our loved ones, one of the hardest things is realizing we cannot control every situation. Yet, when we cling to control, that’s when the worry battle starts. In essence, we try to fix something by worrying about it.
If control is an issue, try asking yourself this question:
Is there anything differently I can do about this situation?
Remember: Only you can control you. You cannot control others. If there is something you can do differently–should do differently–then do it! However, if the situation truly is out of your control, admit it and commit it to God.
Receive the opportunity

A couple of years ago, I was having the worst time sleeping. I knew it was partly my hormones acting up, but I decided to stop fighting it so much and simply receive it as an opportunity to pray.
Each time I woke up burdened in the night, I would get on my knees and pray for whoever was on my heart. It became a nightly habit for awhile, and I received gratefully. And you know what? During that time, someone close to me asked if I’d been praying for her and her family. When I said, “yes,” she admitted that they had been through many dark times and she sensed I was praying for them. She was so thankful and I was blown away!
Dear sister, whatever is keeping you awake at night, please don’t bear the burden alone. Know that I am only an email away and would love to pray for you.
P.S. Here are 3 Keys to Overcome What Worries You Most (Please share!)