When to Seek Wise Counsel
Dear Encouragement Sisters,
Reaching out for wise counsel isn’t easy, especially when it involves serious issues that might be embarrassing or sensitive. After all, no one likes admitting fault or hearing that they might be at fault. Am I right?
But seeking wise counsel is not only essential to the Christian life, it’s Biblical.
Where there is no guidance, a people falls,
but in an abundance of counselors there is safety. (Proverbs 11:14)
The way of a fool is right in his own eyes,
But he who heeds counsel is wise. (Proverbs 12:15)
Without counsel, plans go awry,
But in the multitude of counselors they are established. (Proverbs 15:22)

Honestly, the first time I tried to seek counsel, many years ago, the dear woman at my church said she was too busy. I was a young mom at the time, needing someone who’d gone before me to offer timely wisdom and encouragement. I remember feeling embarrassed that I’d even asked!
It took several more years before I sought counsel from a Christian woman, who made a lasting difference in my life.
- She validated my struggle.
- She gave me a new perspective.
- She offered Biblical wisdom and practical tools to help me move forward.
- She prayed over me.
Sisters, these simple things moved mountains in my life!

I had never had anyone validate my struggles before. I’d felt guilty that I was even struggling as a Christian! (Can anyone relate?) To have someone empathize with me and say, “I can see why you are feeling the way you are,” let me know it wasn’t all in my head. My struggles were real and they were conquerable.
“My struggles were real, and they were conquerable!”
Through the course of several weeks, I met with her, prayed with her, read the Scriptures and other wonderful books she suggested. I took to heart her wisdom. I applied her advice. And I can honestly say my life took a beautiful turn that year.
I still remember the day my husband walked up the stairs with the strangest look on his face. I was in the kitchen with the kids, laughing about something. I saw my husband’s face and said, “What is it?”
His response?
“It’s just so good to hear you laugh again.”
“It’s good to hear you laugh again.”
My friends, if you are in a season where you can hardly remember the last time you genuinely laughed, it might be time to seek wise counsel.
If you have been walking under a dark cloud of pain…
If you feel confused about certain situations in life…
If you are doubtful, anxious, or afraid…
Reach out.
Find a trusted, Christian woman who will speak truth in your life. Listen to what she has to say. Ask her to pray for you. Ask her to lead you in the Scriptures. And, put into practice what she shares from the Word.
I cannot encourage you enough, not to walk this road alone. No matter what your age or stage, you can benefit from wise counsel.

On the flip side, maybe YOU are someone who needs to GIVE wise counsel.
What precious wisdom do you have to offer? Will you please consider sharing your strength with another woman who desperately needs a listening ear and truth.
Ladies, we need each other. We need the Lord and we need each other.
Today, I am saying a prayer for all of us who are trying to navigate this journey of life. I am asking God to provide the right friendships and wise counsel for each of us. I pray that He will speak His truth to us, even through other people. And, I ask that He will open our ears to hear it.
God bless you and keep you today, my sisters in Christ. Please know I am only an email away!
More counseling resources to consider: