Watching Corn Grow (He’s in the waiting)

I spent last week watching corn grow.

The picture window in my son’s living room afforded me an amazing view of giant stalks swaying in the breeze.

Along with watching corn grow, I traveled dozens of country roads that took us from tiny town to tiny town, all becoming a blur of quaint villages. It seemed my daughter-in-law was always saying, “Just 30 minutes until we get there!” And we would laugh because she knew…

I was used to hurrying from place to place. I was accustomed to everything being right at my fingertips.

But in the span of 10 days, I learned a few things. I learned…

To wait.

To take it all in.

To use that extra waiting time to pray.

And you know what? I began to enjoy watching corn grow.

“Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” (Psalm 90:12)

That particular verse took root in my heart, as I realized how my foot-tapping, deep-sighing impatience was robbing me of so much…




“Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time because the days are evil.” (Ephesians 5:15-16 ESV)

I type this today, back in my “comfortable.” Back to dry mountain air and a city that “hurries.” But instead of resuming my normal rush to the next thing, I’m using this time to remember…

This is the moment I’ve been given.

There is peace in the “slow-down.”

He’s in the waiting…

“I will stand my watch and set myself on the rampart, and watch to see what He will say to me, and what I will answer when I am corrected.” (Habakkuk 2:1 NKJV)

How are you in the waiting?

Are you a foot-tapping, impatient girl like me?

Do you automatically assume God isn’t listening when you have to wait for too long?

He really is in the waiting. He’s in the doing, too. But how will we ever know until we stop long enough to recognize it?

I’m slowing down, friends. And I encourage you to do the same. Spend extra time in God’s Word, letting it wash over you with wisdom and peace. Take a few minutes to just “be,” thanking the Lord for every tiny blessing. Hold your loved ones a little longer, knowing you are only guaranteed today.

If you’re struggling in the wait, feeling like God has forgotten all about you, reply to this email and let me know. I’d be honored to pray for your situation. After all, I’m taking more time to do that nowadays.

Always an email away,


*A beautiful resource for Growing Slow by Jennifer Dukes Lee.

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  1. This is just what I needed to read. Perfect! I have spent the last few years trying to be something, to force what I wanted instead of what God knew would be right. I tried everything and didn’t do well at any of it. Now I am learning to slow down, focus on what’s TRULY important and not push. Thank you for sharing with us!

  2. Jen I was so glad to hear this today because as we are preparing to start a slower pace in Canon I am getting a little desperate since we have yet to find a place to live. I feel like things are moving in slow motion on that end but rushing like a speeding train here as the days go by when we have to be out of here. We put an offer in on a gorgeous home in a beautiful neighborhood but the seller did not accept it even though they are desperate to move closer to their son in Idaho. It would be a God thing for sure if they don’t get a better offer but we are not at all anxious to have that particular one. Does that make sense? I know for sure He hears our prayers but I tend to tell Him what has to happen. I just wanted you to know how much your blog helped me today to get that tightness in my heart to relax. If you see anything in all I have said that needs prayer we would surely appreciate it! Thanking God for the gift of encouragement He has given you. Love you honey. Mom

    1. Thank you, Mom! And yes, I am praying every day for the perfect house and the perfect path that God has for you!!! You can always live in our basement… 😉

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